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Why It Is Important for Women and Mothers to Speak Up

Acknowledging Women There is so much more to women than meets the eye. Often regarded as objects of beauty or mother figures, their existence is reduced to the role they should play in society. Not only that, but their looks used to be the only thing of value. But let’s talk about women today and see what else they have to offer.   Women and men are vastly different, and that’s only natural. Societal roles seem to be assigned to them accordingly because of their physical differences. For example, men would wage wars and provide for families, while women would stay at home and be mothers and caretakers. Nothing is wrong with those roles, but some women want to flip the tables.   Nowadays, you can find women in all kinds of societal roles. They’re doctors, CEOs, generals, miners, and astronauts, proving they can do all of the heavy-lifting that was exclusive to men only. That doesn’t only speak of their physical strength but of their ability to be the geniuses, inventors, activists, and leaders that the world never knew it needed. Unfortunately, injustice to women still happens, and speaking up about it is probably one of the best things they can do to prevent it. They Simply Matter Injustice isn’t the only problem women face. In fact, it isn’t even the only reason for many of the women’s rights movements. One of the things women want is to be acknowledged as equals and contributors to society and communities. So, why don’t people acknowledge their efforts? That’s the million-dollar question.   A solid argument is that people are simply stuck in their ways. Throughout history, women and men have done things that were expected of them. Nowadays, people are stuck thinking that the old ways existed and ‘worked’ for a reason, so there’s no need to change them. But the world is evolving.  Societies and communities are changing, and it would be natural if acknowledgment and the way we view female societal roles did, too. With women empowerment and rights movements, people are starting to see the value of women now more than ever. It’s our only hope that the world continues down the path of appreciating female contributions to our communities. Not Women’s Dominance Many people, regardless of their gender, believe that women’s empowerment equals dominance. That’s why many stay away from movements like feminism, for example. However, demanding equal rights and standing up for other women doesn’t mean dominating other people. Let us explain.   What many people think is that women are trying to flip the switch and take control. In that, many agree that we live in a male-dominated society. However, empowering women to be strong and take charge doesn’t mean they want a matriarchal world. The extremes are never a good thing, so women just want equality.   They want to be equal partners and caretakers and assume the same roles as men. There are plenty of women who believe that nothing should be changed, though. That’s because the abuse, no matter the kind, doesn’t affect them. Movements within women’s rights, like mother’s rights, exist for that reason. It’s easier to focus on specific groups that way and get them the rights they deserve. Prevents Abusive Relationships Preventing women abuse sometimes seems like the most difficult task in the world. Others assume they’re free to push women around just because they may be physically stronger. But we’re not only talking about sexual violence. Abuse can come in many forms, and that’s why people in power can also abuse women.   Speaking up helps a lot in those situations. Statistics say that people closest to women are most likely to be their abusers. So, let’s assume the abuser is the intimate partner. Speaking up about the abuse may seem difficult at first because everyone is afraid of the consequences. But when you speak up to the authorities, or even to your family and friends, that can help remove you from the situation. The same thing happens in the workplace, for example. If your superiors are abusing their power and bullying you in any kind of way, you can always speak up. This kind of practice doesn’t only help adults, but children too. A Little Bit of History Let’s talk about all of the rights women have today. Those include things like the right to vote, the ability to go to school, the ability to work, and more. Nowadays, these rights seem like no big deal because they are just basic human rights. While we’re correct in thinking that, things weren’t always this good for women.   Back in the day, women had little to no rights. Here’s what they couldn’t do: Vote Have property Have custody of children in case of divorce Educate themselves Work in certain professions like law   Women did have the right to pay property taxes, though, even though they had no rights to the property itself. It’s no wonder why so many women’s rights movements exist nowadays. Unfortunately, none of the basic human rights women have today would be possible without an uproar or two.   So, what about speaking up? Speaking up is the exact reason why things are much different now. People of all genders and backgrounds spoke up about all kinds of abuse women have faced over the centuries. That’s why it should be a legacy we leave to our sons and daughters so that they know there’s always a way to fight injustice. Women in the Future The future for women is looking bright. That’s because the women of today are speaking up. Mothers, wives, and sisters are all creating a better and safer future for women. Speaking up often does not go unpunished. That’s why many women are afraid to be activists and are bystanders to injustice.    Instead, women should always be brave and know that others will always be there to support and back them up. Revolution and not allowing people to push them around is the only way women will carve a safe space for themselves in today’s society. 0000000000000…

Postpartum Depression and How To Overcome It

Depression in new moms Having a baby is stressful—no matter how much you’ve looked forward to it or how much you love your child. Considering the sleep deprivation, new responsibilities, and lack of time for yourself, it’s no surprise that a lot of new moms feel like they’re on an emotional rollercoaster. In fact, mild depression and mood swings are so common in new mothers that it has its own name: the baby blues. Is it the baby blues or postpartum depression? The majority of women experience at least some symptoms of the baby blues immediately after childbirth. It’s caused by the sudden change in hormones after delivery, combined with stress, isolation, sleep deprivation, and fatigue. You might feel more tearful, overwhelmed, and emotionally fragile. Generally, this will start within the first couple of days after delivery, peak around one week, and taper off by the end of the second week postpartum. The baby blues are perfectly normal, but if your symptoms don’t go away after a few weeks or get worse, you may be suffering from postpartum depression. Signs and symptoms of postpartum depression Unlike the baby blues, postpartum depression is a more serious problem—one that you shouldn’t ignore. In the beginning, postpartum depression can look like the normal baby blues. In fact, postpartum depression and the baby blues share many symptoms, including mood swings, crying jags, sadness, insomnia, and irritability. The difference is that with postpartum depression, the symptoms are more severe (such as suicidal thoughts or an inability to care for your newborn) and longer lasting. You might find yourself withdrawing from your partner or being unable to bond well with your baby. You might find your anxiety out of control, preventing you from sleeping—even when your baby is asleep—or eating appropriately. You might find feelings of guilt or worthlessness overwhelming or begin to develop thoughts preoccupied with death or even wish you were not alive. These are all red flags for postpartum depression. Postpartum depression causes and risk factors There’s no single reason why some new mothers develop postpartum depression and others don’t, but a number of interrelated causes and risk factors are believed to contribute to the problem. Hormonal changes. After childbirth, women experience a big drop in estrogen and progesterone hormone levels. Thyroid levels can also drop, which leads to fatigue and depression. These rapid hormonal changes—along with the changes in blood pressure, immune system functioning, and metabolism that new mothers experience—may trigger postpartum depression. Physical changes. Giving birth brings numerous physical and emotional changes. You may be dealing with physical pain from the delivery or the difficulty of losing the baby weight, leaving you insecure about your physical and sexual attractiveness. Stress. The stress of caring for a newborn can also take a toll. New mothers are often sleep deprived. In addition, you may feel overwhelmed and anxious about your ability to properly care for your baby. These adjustments can be particularly difficult if you’re a first-time mother who must get used to an entirely new identity. Risk factors for postpartum depression Several factors can predispose you to postpartum depression: The most significant is a history of postpartum depression, as a prior episode can increase your chances of a repeat episode to 30-50%. A history of non-pregnancy related depression or a family history of mood disturbances is also a risk factor. Others include social stressors, such as a lack of emotional support, an abusive relationship, and financial uncertainty. Risk is also significantly increased in women who discontinue medications abruptly for purposes of pregnancy. Signs and symptoms of postpartum psychosis Postpartum psychosis is a rare, but extremely serious disorder that can develop after childbirth, characterized by loss of contact with reality. Because of the high risk for suicide or infanticide, hospitalization is usually required to keep the mother and the baby safe. Postpartum psychosis develops suddenly, usually within the first two weeks after delivery, and sometimes within 48 hours. Symptoms include: Hallucinations (seeing things that aren’t real or hearing voices) Delusions (paranoid and irrational beliefs) Extreme agitation and anxiety Suicidal thoughts or actions Confusion and disorientation Rapid mood swings Bizarre behavior Inability or refusal to eat or sleep Thoughts of harming or killing your baby Postpartum psychosis should be considered a medical emergency requiring immediate medical attention. Coping with postpartum depression tip 1: Create a secure attachment with your baby The emotional bonding process between mother and child, known as attachment, is the most important task of infancy. The success of this wordless relationship enables a child to feel secure enough to develop fully, and affects how he or she will interact, communicate, and form relationships throughout life. A secure attachment is formed when you as the mother respond warmly and consistently to your baby’s physical and emotional needs. When your baby cries, you quickly soothe him or her. If your baby laughs or smiles, you respond in kind. In essence, you and your child are in synch. You recognize and respond to each other’s emotional signals. Postpartum depression can interrupt this bonding. Depressed mothers can be loving and attentive at times, but at other times may react negatively or not respond at all. Mothers with postpartum depression tend to interact less with their babies, and are less likely to breastfeed, play with, and read to their children. They may also be inconsistent in the way they care for their newborns. However, learning to bond with your baby not only benefits your child, it also benefits you by releasing endorphins that make you feel happier and more confident as a mom. How to bond with your baby If you didn’t experience a secure attachment as an infant, you may not know how to create a secure attachment—but you can learn. Our human brains are primed for this kind of nonverbal emotional connection that creates so much pleasure for you and your baby. Tip 2: Lean on others for help and support Human beings are social. Positive social contact relieves stress faster and more efficiently than any other means of stress reduction. Historically and from an evolutionary perspective, new mothers received help from those around them when caring for themselves and their infants after childbirth. In today’s world, new mothers often find themselves alone, exhausted and lonely for supportive adult contact. Here are some ideas for connecting to others: Make your relationships a priority. When you’re feeling depressed and vulnerable, it’s more important than ever to stay connected to family and friends—even if you’d rather be alone. Isolating yourself will only make your situation feel even bleaker, so make your adult relationships a priority. Let your loved ones know what you need and how you’d like to be supported. Don’t keep your feelings to yourself. In addition to the practical help your friends and family can provide, they can also serve as a much-needed emotional outlet. Share what you’re experiencing—the good, the bad, and the ugly—with at least one other person, preferably face to face. It doesn’t matter who you talk to, so long as that person is willing to listen without judgment and offer reassurance and support. Be a joiner. Even if you have supportive friends, you may want to consider seeking out other women who are dealing with the same transition into motherhood. It’s very reassuring to hear that other mothers share your worries, insecurities, and feelings. Good places to meet new moms include support groups for new parents or organizations such as Mommy and Me. Ask your pediatrician for other resources in your neighborhood. Tip 3: Take care of yourself One of the best things you can do to relieve or avoid postpartum depression is to take care of yourself. The more you care for your mental and physical well-being, the better you’ll feel. Simple lifestyle changes can go a long way towards helping you feel like yourself again. Skip the housework – Make yourself and your baby the priority. Give yourself permission to concentrate on yourself and your baby – there is more work involved in this 24/7 job than in holding down a full-time job. Ease back into exercise. Studies show that exercise may be just as effective as medication when it comes to treating depression, so the sooner you get back up and moving, the better. No need to overdo it: a 30-minute walk each day will work wonders. Stretching exercises such as those found in yoga have shown to be especially effective. Practice mindfulness meditation. Research supports the effectiveness of mindfulness for making you feel calmer and more energized. It can also help you to become more aware of what you need and what you feel. Don’t skimp on sleep. A full eight hours may seem like an unattainable luxury when you’re dealing with a newborn, but poor sleep makes depression worse. Do what you can to get plenty of rest—from enlisting the help of your partner or family members to catching naps when you can. Set aside quality time for yourself to relax and take a break…

4 Daily Motivation Tips For Mothers Who Lead

Many different labels can describe one person — a mom, a founder, a wife, a friend. But at any given time, one of those titles takes priority over the others. It can be wild raising a family and running a business at the same time. Friends from business school and undergrad say, “I don’t know how you do it.” I don’t really know how I do it either — I just do. It’s tough staying motivated with a jam-packed schedule, but it’s not impossible. The key is to remember this: Too much thinking leads to an inability to do anything. It’s analysis paralysis. If you spend insane amounts of time trying to make everything 100% perfect, you never execute anything. Make a decision and move on. That mentality is a major part of how I find time (and energy) to be both a mother and a CEO. If you’re in the same boat and juggling too many things, try these four tips to stay motivated inside and outside the office. 1. Do Everything Fully The best way to stay energized is by being fully present in the moment. We’re most effective when we’re 100% focused on what we’re doing. So, if you’re on the phone, you’re not checking email or looking at photos of your kids. Zero in on one thing. And you can use that same mentality at home. Busy moms usually only have a couple of hours with their kids before they go to bed during the week, so really try to engage with them. Spend time playing and laughing with them, giving baths and talking. Try not to look at your phone for a few hours after getting home — those emails will still be there after the kids go to bed. Sometimes, when I’ve been with my kids all day, I think, “Man, when are they going to bed?” Anyone with small children knows that feeling. But I do my best to treasure every moment and the time I have with them. So, whatever you’re doing, put in as much effort as possible. Give yourself wholly to the task at hand. 2. Focus On Efficiency If I could have more of one thing, it wouldn’t be money. It would be time. When you have an extremely full schedule, every minute matters. That’s why busy moms are so efficient. Every night, look at you calendar for the next day and ask: “Is everything scheduled absolutely necessary?” If the answer is no, take back your time. The less time you have to waste, the more you have to prioritize. This makes you more efficient, which is essential to staying motivated throughout the day. 3. Get Comfortable Saying No In both my family life and as a CEO, I have to say “no” to some things. Otherwise, I’ll end up overwhelmed. Say my family gets invited to a birthday party on a Sunday afternoon, but it’s far from our house. I have to decide: “Is driving 45 minutes each way to go to this birthday party really the best way to use our weekend time? Sometimes, it’s better to take the kids to the park. There are also events or dinners I get invited to. If I didn’t have kids, I’d probably go. But if I’m going to a dinner or speaking at an event — instead of going home to put my kids to bed — it needs to be really worthwhile. Not all of them are. Learn to say no on both ends, because otherwise, your life just isn’t yours anymore. 4. Remember Yourself With different demands in all directions, it’s important to keep yourself healthy and centered. For me, a lot of that comes down to working out regularly. Workouts help keep me sane, but they also keep me efficient. Working up a sweat helps me feel my best and be extra productive. I try to get up before the kids and do a morning workout at home. Realistically, I can’t spend the time driving to and from the gym. So, I focus on doing quick and effective workouts at home. There’s always going to be something you can prioritize over yourself. In the long run, it’s important to consciously make an effort to take care of your own needs at some point in the day. Raising children and running a business is crazy at times. Some days, you won’t know how you do it. But if you focus on each thing as it comes up — and remember yourself — you can stay motivated at home and at work. 0000000000000…

8 Traits That Motivate Working Moms

Chances are you work nonstop, particularly if you’re a young, employed mother. First is the tug of kids, all those early mornings, restless nights and unimaginable emergencies that seemingly never end. Then there is the pull of the office, which for many thirtysomethings and those with an eye on a management jobs has meant longer hours and a 24/7 connection to the workplace through remote access, email and social media. It’s no wonder that so many working women feel overwhelmed when they have kids. There’s a tremendous sacrifice going on to make sure diapers are changed, kids are snuggled into bed and all the bills are paid. Many working moms also take charge of the house, tending to chores, dinner and other duties. These women do everything just to hear four little words at the end of the night that puts their efforts into perspective, “Mommy, I love you.” But how do they do it? Searching for answers, I asked some working moms in the Rochester-area about the personal traits they lean on for motivation. Here are some of their responses. Attitude Stephanie Dana Stephanie Dana, 35, is a mother of two boys and a school counselor/department chair at Penfield High School. She works to make sure that home time is spent with family, work is spent at school and that there is time in her weekly schedule for herself, through a moms running group. She feels a sense of responsibility to each, but tries hard not to let it become overwhelming. Know how to develop a sense of responsibility. “If I did not stop, take a step back and appreciate my family, my colleagues, the students and parents that I work with, my friends and my health — I would be overwhelmed,” she said. “In my role as a school counselor, at a large high school, every day is a new challenge with lots of unpredictable events. Without a positive attitude the toughest days would be too much to handle.” Harriet Fisher Harriet Fisher is an IT application analyst for the city of Rochester. The 39-year-old overcame breast cancer and has two children. “I tell my kids all the time, ‘You decide your own happiness,’ ” she said. “When things at work or home seem to get a bit stressful, I slow down and find something positive to smile about. It might be something funny one of the kids said the day before or an email from a colleague thanking me for helping them or making progress on a project or a nice random text from my husband asking me how my day is going…there is always something.” She added that a strong faith in God has helped manage a career, family and her health. Flexibility Bethany Stevens Bethany Stevens, 29, has a 4-month-old daughter and owns her own business, On the Move Pet Care. She manages 18 employees with more than 200 local clients all over the area. “It’s no longer my schedule I’m working on, I’m most certainly working around my little one’s needs,” she said. “Whether that means wrapping up billing on my laptop outside of daycare, or finding a last-minute sitter for my daughter so that I’m able to care for emergency client requests, my days are much less predictable. My ability to roll with the punches is the primary thing that allows me to stay on task with work obligations while caring for my little one.” Melisza Campos Melisza Campos, 36, plans out her week in about 30 minutes every Sunday knowing that things will change her schedule. The Dale Carnegie vice president and City School Board member has three children. “I find when I open up my mindset to be more flexible … I have the best moments with my family and friends,” she said. “Approach each situation with love as the backbone and to remember to love and respect my kids (spouse, etc.).” Organization Sara White Sara White, 36, is an adjunct faculty member at Monroe Community College and blogs under Mindfully Frugal Mom. She has two young kids and relies heavily on an old-fashioned planner to get through the workweek. “I keep it with me all the time and it’s the only thing that keeps me sane,” she said. “Something about the act of writing it down and seeing my week laid out helps me keep everything together. Most of the time, at least.” Doctor appointments, school events and other random things will pop up but she tries to build pockets of free time into her schedule just for those last-minute needs. Kate Turner Kate Turner, a marketing manager at Genesee Regional Bank does some of the same. The 40-year-old mom plans work trips around her family. “I’ve learned to work around how I know my family will react to my schedule,” she said. “What will happen if I’m not home at dinnertime a couple nights a week? What will happen when I’m stressed out because I didn’t leave enough time for re-entry after a trip? I’m much more aware of the timing of things because I anticipate the ripple effect in my home life.” Optimism Gabriella Favata Gabrielle Favata is a 29-year-old certified nursing assistant at Maplewood Nursing & Rehabilitation with three young boys. She is also a student at Monroe Community College. While she’s on her own with no family in the area to help, she leans on “some wonderful friends.” She tries to remain optimistic. “I use it when I am getting overwhelmed, to look at what good will come from the sometimes overwhelming and difficult time,” she said. “I try to think of how lucky I have it and what I do have or will have, instead of what my life is lacking. There are people with ill children, living in terribly dilapidated circumstances. … As tough as this is, there are people praying for what I do have, so I should be thankful.” Patience Susie Kopitzki Susie Kopitzki, 39, a senior buyer at the University of Rochester, has a 3-year-old daughter. Amanda Altman, 35, part of the team behind A3 Design, has two children. Both say being patient and present in the moment is key. “Those two things allow me to slow down and appreciate whatever it is, for what it is … whether it’s talking through a project with a client and helping them understand marketing concepts, or kneeling down to let my daughter lean on me while she puts on her shoes,” said Altman. Amanda Altman Kopitzki said it’s easy to feel hurried when you’re running late for work or trying to get a fussy toddler dressed in the morning, but that’s the precise moment when moms have to pull back a bit and put things into perspective. “It won’t get you anywhere and it won’t make you any less late than you already are,” she said. “I take a deep breath and try to remember the psychology behind being a toddler and it gives me the patience I need to stay calm and work with her more effectively to get out the door.” Strength Candice Korts Candice Korts is only 34 and already has been through a lot. The mother of three boys suffered heart failure during her third pregnancy. While raising her boys, her husband has been called on to serve in the military. She suffered an injury while on the job as a local medic. She is now a field tech scheduler for Quality Vision International. It would be easy to crawl into bed and just cry by feeling drowned out by it all, but Korts said she sometimes fights those feelings to keep forward. “I think as mothers we all must be strong,” she said. “We have to play every role, be everything and we do it because we love it. I know there are crappy mothers out there but they aren’t mommies. … Mommies are the ones that were meant to take the challenge of motherhood on, the greatest job in the world but the hardest. (It) requires the most qualifications and pays nothing but love, which is (in the) eyes of my boys and my husband. It is the greatest paycheck I can ever get.” Embracing chaos Kristi Drechsler Kristi Drechsler, 32, works at Unity Hospital as a surgical physician assistant and at Rochester General Hospital as a surgical hospitalist under the umbrella of Rochester Regional Health System. She has a 3-year-old and is also squeezing in time to train for her first marathon. She changed her work schedule to be able to spend more time at home with her son. One mantra Drechsler lives by is to “embrace the chaos,” she said. “Some mornings I will be coming off of a night shift, high-five my husband, Al, as he leaves for work and then spend the rest of the day coming up with neat ideas/experiences to do with Connor,” she explained. “Being a working mother at times is challenging, sometimes even chaotic, but in a good way.…

Different Nesting Doll Varieties That Will Surprise You

Despite the fact that the nesting dolls relatively recently became Russian folk dolls, they became recognized all over the world right away. Elegant girls in Russian folk costumes won the hearts of both adults and children. In modern stores and museums you can see a variety of dolls. For example, they are available in men’s images (in the form of shepherds, bearded old men, grooms with a mustache), in the form of historical and political figures, in folk costumes of all countries of the world, in professional overalls. Also you need to be aware of what is the record for nesting dolls also. Nesting dolls for children Bright wooden dolls are not only original souvenirs and furnishings, but also amazing educational toys. They are important for the aesthetic development of the child, as well as for the development of fine motor skills, sensation, dexterity and coordination, logic and thinking. Split hollow ruddy nesting dolls are able to cheer and surprise the little boys and girls. Indeed, from one large doll, suddenly new and new pupae appear smaller, even the smallest. This feature allows a good example to acquaint children with such concepts as “big-small”, “more-less”, “the biggest – the smallest”. A bright outfit of toys is a good opportunity to acquaint children with different colors and shades. Experts recommend that parents buy nesting dolls for children as an aid for the development of an eye meter, fine motor skills, and motor coordination, because assembling and disassembling these toys is not as easy as it seems at first glance, especially combining the pattern on the upper and lower parts of the nested doll. Toys are the best suited for plot-role-playing games, for improvised theatrical performances. This will have a positive effect on the development of the child’s speech; will help parents lose various social situations with their children. Russian painted nesting dolls In Russia, nesting dolls appeared at the end of the 19th century not by chance. During this period, collecting of works of folk art was especially popular. The demand for Russian painted nesting dolls contributed to the emergence of various painting techniques for these original toys. The Sergiev Posad (Sergiev Posad, Moscow Region) matrioshka dolls determined the shape and style of these wooden dolls. Later, the maydanovskys (the town of Polkhov, the Maidan of the Nizhny Novgorod region) and the Semenov dolls (the town of Semenov of the Nizhny Novgorod region) appeared, which became the most popular and widely known. Nesting dolls, made in different places, have their own distinctive features. For example, Semenov masters love to make multi-dolls. The main color of the Semenov doll nesting dolls is red (scarlet cheeks and lips, flowers on an apron). Red-blue buds and green leaves complete the pattern. But the main element of the ornament of the Maidan nesting dolls is the rosehip flower. The painting is based on a combination of crimson-red, green and black colors. These Russian beauties turn out more elegant and more “slim”. They could not, of course, not appear in Russia nesting dolls painted under Khokhloma. In their manufacture using the original technology of gilding wooden products. These pink-cheeked dolls in red sundresses, golden kerchiefs, painted aprons with characteristic berries and blades of grass delight. Such dolls will help to acquaint children with the bright original phenomenon of Russian folk decorative and applied art as Khokhloma. Nesting dolls painted under Gzhel stand out among the motley crowd of their sisters. Delicate blue patterns on a white background are easy and simple elegance. Such author Russian folk dolls can be both a decoration of the interior, and always a relevant gift to friends and acquaintances, both adults and children of different ages. Wooden nesting dolls for painting and coloring In our online store (, you can buy wooden nesting dolls for painting and coloring, so start looking for example matryoshka dolls at this site. The child will be able to create his own unique doll using patterns and ornaments of artistic and decorative paintings. For such work, the “Nesting dolls” , “Khokhloma Painting” , “Polkhov-Maidan” Floral Patterns ” art albums , as well as other aids in the“ Art to Children ” series of the Mosaic Synthesis publishing house will be good assistants . A casket with fairy tales “Nesting dolls” from the publishing house Clever will interest children of preschool age. Children will be able to learn about dolls from other countries, paint dolls with dolls, and come up with their images to these all-beloved Russian dolls. Such creative activities will contribute to the development of imagination, creativity and aesthetic taste, as well as help in an exciting way to acquaint children with the traditions of painting these special wooden folk toys. The image of the nesting doll has a special meaning not only in Russian folk art. It can be used to explain, for example, the structure of the universe, human anatomy, family structure. Conclusion So, during the project we learned that the nested doll appeared long ago, almost a hundred and twenty years ago. The prototype of the doll was a figure of a Japanese old man Furukum. Molds for nesting dolls were machined on special lathes from dry lime chocks. Before coloring the nesting dolls, it was necessary to first treat it with sandpaper, rub it with liquid paste. We learned that in different places of our big country toys were made in their own way. Therefore, the paintings of nesting dolls were all different. 0000000000000…

6 Reasons Why Your Kids Need Onesies In Their Life Right Now

What are onesie pajamas? Good day. You’ve probably heard what onesies pajamas are, how cool they are. And also that they are very popular at home, where they came up with in Japan. What are onesie pajamas is a costume made in the form of an animal and some kind of cartoon hero and other characters, used mainly by costumed performers. Most of these pajamas are worn on the streets near shopping centers to lure customers, but also Onesies pajamas have become popular with many children. Have your very own cozy onesies pajama and get yours at What is onesies? It is possible or to sleep in them at night, for what purposes Onesies pajamas are generally used. In these pajamas you can sleep if you are cold at home, it is very warm. They have become very broadly distributed throughout the country and the world. There are large requests for these pajamas and they are used at the anime party. It became very interesting to use onesies at pajama parties. For the manufacture of such pajamas is most used material fleece. This material itself is very warm, soft and fluffy. It began to be used first in the manufacture of onesies and it is one of the best materials. This fabric has a lot of useful qualities are good heat retention, does not cause allergies, repels water. It keeps its shape well. Onesies is quite comfortable and practical clothing for physical education, fitness, participation in sports competitions, and for an active lifestyle. The free cut doesn’t hamper sports exercises, so gymnastics is easy and fun. If in this suit to go to workouts in the fitness room, the load will not seem tedious, and the time will fly quickly and interestingly. For sports in the fresh air, onesies is simply indispensable, because in such a suit you can make walks on skis, skating, just have fun going down the hill on a sled. Another unique property of Onesies pajamas is that it is a rather original and stylish fancy dress. If you come to the party in the image of a reasonable Panda, a mischievous Raccoon, or a curious Tiger, then everyone present will definitely pay attention to the bright and interesting character. It became easy and frees to buy such pajamas. To do this, you can visit the online store and choose the necessary pajamas. In order to know more about the unicorn onesies, you may always take the help of the internet. What do you associate with the word rest? It is enough to think about this issue and immediately something soft, cozy, gentle and warm appears. This description fits perfectly with the modern Onesies pajamas. Invented in Japan, they quickly spread throughout the world, enjoying great popularity among both children and adults. And this is quite understandable, because we all in childhood adore watching cartoons, identifying ourselves with their characters. And who would not want at least for a while to turn into a favorite hero? Now you have the opportunity to make your dreams come true. Onesies pajamas, which can be bought in our store, are perfect for both at home and for an amusing youth party. In any case, you will be warm and comfortable in them. What is onesies? The name onesies literally translated from Japanese, means “growth puppet”. And this is true, putting on a onesies, a person feels like a big and soft toy. Not surprisingly, the so-called costumed actors who portrayed characters from cartoons were called that in Japan. Modern onesies pajamas are not just clothes for sleeping. It is multifunctional and can be used for various purposes. For example, she may well replace ordinary home clothes. Such an outfit is not only comfortable and will warm you well in a cool evening, but also perfectly uplifting. Agree, to see yourself in the image of a beloved hero or a fairy-tale animal is already ridiculous, which means you can forget about boredom. Also, it is perfect for an original and fun party. Bright, fabulous images will make entertainment even more interesting and exciting. The best onesies in online store If you are looking for Onesies pajamas online, then the range of store will really please you. Here you will find a wide selection of different models that will brighten up your stay at home and make you irresistible at a party. All products depict famous cartoon characters. Everyone can choose their own pajamas and try on the image of their favorite character. We also offer Onesies fans to buy summer pajamas, sweatshirts, robes in the same style and make their lives even brighter and more saturated. Why is it profitable to buy from us? Each onesies pajamas presented in our store is a unique, high-quality product that will completely change your view of convenience and comfort. Due to the variety of models, anyone can choose for themselves the most suitable option. And regardless of whether you decide to make a gift to a child or yourself, you will surely choose a thing for the necessary parameters. Their prices are very affordable, so you can please yourself or loved ones with great new clothes without compromising your budget. In addition, in our online store regularly holds a variety of promotions and sales that will make the purchase even more profitable. Bright, comfortable and cute Onesies are at the peak of popularity for several seasons in a row. Moreover, they are not going to give up their positions. Pajamas came to us from faraway Japan, where people are really fan of anime, cosplay and catchy clothes. The Japanese are not afraid to stand out from the crowd on the contrary, they are eager to emphasize their individuality and personal style. This may be makeup, hair, unusual accessories, shoes or clothing. This is how onesies was born comfortable and bright clothes for the home, which can act as pajamas and in some cases a full-fledged carnival costume that either gives you a smile or a scare much like what you see in carnivals, movies and etc. Where to buy Onesies? You can hardly find such goods in the markets, so we recommend visiting the specialized online store Onesies-America. With ease you can transform into a cat, a chipmunk or a dragon from your favorite cartoon, with positive emotions for the whole day. 0000000000000…

Why Negative Ion Bracelets A Big Hit In America

On which hand to wear a fitness bracelet and how to choose the right size? If you still do not know, then this note is for you.The straps for smart bracelets and fitness trackers are made of hypoallergenic silicone, so you can wear gadgets around the clock. Two types of straps, 19 and 24 cm, with a large number of fixing holes conveniently fit on a hand of any size. Thongs of 19 cm are suitable for people with a thin wrist, including children. You should also be aware of the things like do negative ions bracelets works. If you doubt what size suits you, you can measure your wrist with a centimeter tape or thread, wrapping it around your wrist and then attaching it to the ruler. It is advisable to wear a bracelet on the “non-leading” hand. This means that right-handers should wear a fitness tracker on their left hand and left-handers on their right. So activity data are considered more accurate. Grab your very own negative ion bracelets for you or your loved one at The strap together with the capsule weighs only 23 grams, so you will not have to get used to the bracelet for a long time, rather quickly its presence on the hand becomes imperceptible. And the choice of 6 color straps in combination with colorful clasps will allow you to create a bright stylish look. One of the most popular and beautiful jewelry for the male is considered a bracelet. It can be absolutely anything like classic gold or silver, woven, knitted plastic or fabric. There are a lot of bracelet options today, the choice of the right one depends entirely on the taste and style of its future owner. Some absolutely do not think about the hand on which the man’s bracelet is worn. To others, this question is of fundamental importance. Let’s deal with the hand on which it is customary to wear jewelry to men. On which hand is it customary to wear a bracelet for men? Today’s fashion is so free that there are no specific rules on which side to wear jewelry to men. This applies to both bracelets and rings and earrings. However, most men wear a bracelet on the right hand. What is the reason? Watch and bracelet Surprisingly, in our age of high achievements and new technologies, offering users a wide range of gadgets and devices that allow you to determine the time, wrist watches have not lost their popularity. Moreover, this accessory, made with high quality and expensive, is able to emphasize the style of its owner, taste and status. That is why men’s watches are so popular among the representatives of the strong half of humanity. They are considered a valuable gift not only for her beloved husband, but also for her father, brother, and even colleagues. To wear a bracelet in combination with a wristwatch must be correctly. So it is accepted that the majority of right-handers wear a watch on their left handthis is more convenient, because a massive accessory does not interfere during work or food. In this case, the decoration must be worn on the other handright. This is not an argument because some are more comfortable and more comfortable to wear a watch on their right hand. It all depends entirely on the convenience and desires of men. Is it worth it to combine a chain with a watch on one hand? Come to this question more thoughtfully. If you already wanted to combine two accessories on one hand, the jewelry should be combined or complement each other. If a man combines a massive watch with a bracelet on one hand, then the latter should be thin and elegant design. It is worth noting that massive jewelry will not look aesthetically pleasing on men’s hands. On the contrary, to emphasize strength and independence, thin men’s accessories will help to pay attention to beautiful strong hands. Today, by the way, it is fashionable to combine watches with hippie-style bracelets on thin leather straps, which differ little from each other. Experiment with styles, you may like something new and modern. What bracelets to prefer? With the help of a bracelet, a man is able to complement his image, bring interesting touches into it, and emphasize originality, attractiveness and strength. Applying the effect of contrasta thin bracelet on a strong male handits owner will favorably emphasize his sexuality. That is why men are more thin jewelry. Prefer accessories made from the following materials: Gold Platinum Silver Bones Skin Tree Men should avoid lightweight jewelry, as well as bracelets made from: Plastic Ceramics Alloys Glass In this regard, girls have a much wider choice, because absolutely any jewelry will look on women’s hands: from thin delicate chains to massive and numerous bracelets. The main rule in the combination of accessoriesdo not wears silver chains with gold. You can successfully combine other materials based on your taste. Women, as well as men, prefer to wear accessories on their right hand. There are several reasons for this: As a rule, women often carry handbags on the right hand, and a bracelet is picked up under it, creating a set. In both women and men, the right hand is more active than the left, it is often in sight, and a beautiful and expensive accessory is exactly what you want to flaunt. As you know, the type of decoration can determine the nature of its owner, style and features. For example, a gold chain will be chosen by a confident person and trying to be first in everything. The silver jewelry will be to the taste of a rational and stable person, in whose life there are few surprises. A woven or fabric accessory will be chosen by a creative and romantic person who prefers surprises and passionate emotions. A wood ornament will be worn by a courageous and strong man who pays special attention to his style and appearance. The combination of jewelry from different materials on one hand will be enjoyed by a bold and risky nature. Combining jewelry, you should take into account one rule: observe the measure and sense of style. Then the accessories will look great and complement your image, no matter what hand they are wearing. 0000000000000…

10 phrases to say to your kids to inspire confidence

Moms are the hearts and souls of families. They do a million things and more. They are real superheroes. My mom did so much for me growing up and still does. But more powerful than any one single thing she did is the internal voice she sewed deep inside of me. It continues to replay in my mind every single day. It began as her voice but has become my own, and it is my super power. She planted confidence within me and helped me build a strong sense of self, all with her amazing words. This is what she said: 1 | “You are beautiful” She said this mostly when I did something kind, made good decisions, or showed independence and strength of character. She also said this when I was sweaty, dirty, messy, and working hard. She taught me that true beauty lies inside and in my positive actions, not my appearance. 2 | “You will be a great mom” I remember hearing this throughout my life. It wasn’t like she was priming me to have children, but she saw something in me then that I draw on now every single day of my adult life. I have felt run down, exhausted, worried, and unsure of what to do at times, but I have never doubted myself as a good mom. 3 | “I am so sorry you feel that way” My mom always wanted to know my feelings. Even when she didn’t know why, or couldn’t understand why, she always offered empathy. Empathy breeds empathy, and we know that it’s one of the most important skills for children to learn in order to have successful and positive relationships in life. And positive relationships build confidence. 4 | “What do you want to do?” My mom never told me what to do. When she seemed to think that I might be wandering astray or about to make a not-so-awesome choice, she showed me her trust and confidence instead of challenging or controlling me. She made my thoughts and feelings important by asking me about them. 5 | “You’ll do the right thing” When trying to figure out what to do, my mom also told me that she trusted me to figure it out. Decisions are so important for self-esteem, and my mom never second-guessed mine. She let me be in charge of myself. She was there to catch me when I fell and was always on my side. 6 | “Invite your friends over” My friends were always welcome at our house. Friends would come over even when I wasn’t home because they knew my mom would invite them in and offer them a snack. Through this open-door policy, she taught me not to worry about the tiny details of how clean your house may be or how fancy your meal. You just welcome people. 7 | “I’m praying for you” My mom had a rosary attached to her fingers while I was growing up and still does. She didn’t offer a quick sentiment. She really prayed for me. She prayed for my boyfriends, she prayed for my friends, she prayed for my friend’s friends, their parents, and their extended families. She taught me to pray for my children, which has given me great peace. It has given my children an increased sense of peace and security as well. 8 | “I love you” Of course, all moms say this. My mom said it all the time. If there were better things she could have said to let me know how she felt about me, she would have. But my mom said “I love you” like it was the absolute tops, and even still, it seemed just a little too inadequate for all her actual love for me. 9 | “You go have fun” When I was a kid, there was always fun, play, and laughter. My grown-up heart seeks those things out when life gets big and heavy. My mom still says this to me when I drop my kids off, for a sleepover at her house. So they can have fun, watching their favorite sports, reading stories and sleeping together in her new comfy mattress. She shoves me out the door and tells me not to worry about a thing. Then she wants to know all the fun things I did while she took care of my kids. She gets joy out of my joy. In this simple way, she tells me that I am not a burden; I am a joy. My kids are a joy. It makes my heart swell, like I really am doing a good job. 10 | I am so proud of you What a gift to grow up hearing that someone was proud of me, no matter what. I grew up believing that I could be proud of myself. And I am. Thanks, Mom 0000000000000…

10 Ways to Be a More Confident Mom

Slow down. When you rush, things fall apart. Lower your expectations of what you can do and how fast you can do it, and everyone will be happy. Being a mom is largely a self-confidence game. I know this firsthand; my new baby tested my wits constantly, just when I needed them most. But the more confident I became, the less stressed I felt, the calmer my daughter was, the better the nursing flowed … and the smoother things went at home, the park, the store. Remember, however, that being unsure isn’t all bad. “If uncertain feelings are creeping in, you’re taking your job as mom with a lot of responsibility,” says Yvonne Thomas, Ph.D., a psychologist in private practice in Los Angeles. “By recognizing the paramount effect you have for shaping your child’s personality, self-esteem and physical well-being, you’re taking the first step to being a great mom.” Your baby already thinks you’re top-notch. Our guide will help you believe it, too. 1. Act like a baby-care pro. To be more self-confident, begin by acting like it. Your baby will feel safer, calmer and happier as a result, and soon assuredness won’t be a guise as you get the hang of cleaning the umbilical cord, giving your baby a bath or maneuvering a wobbly little head through a shirt opening. “Take a cue from kindergarten teachers,” says Frances Xavier, M.D., a pediatrician at Gateway Medical Group in Anaheim, Calif. “Speak lower and slower to calm you both down.” 2. Don’t cave in to bad advice. “She needs cereal,” my parents and in-laws said every time my newborn daughter fussed. By six weeks, I was so dazed from nighttime nursing and pressured by their certainty I was starving my daughter with breast milk that I almost gave her some rice cereal. But I decided to double-check with her pediatrician and, sure enough, their advice was 30 years outdated. Don’t relent when barraged with advice from people who act as if they know more than you do. 3. Overcome bad mommy syndrome. All moms feel inadequate at some point. “As Jonny was learning to sit up, I would sit with him constantly to make sure he didn’t fall and hit his head,” says Rebecca Zysk, 31, of Apopka, Fla. “One day I moved for one second to get a burp cloth, and down he went. I felt terrible.” When you feel the guilt coming on, follow these guidelines: First, put your offense in perspective. Did you lock him in the closet, leave him in a hot, parked car? Of course not. Second, remind your too-critical inner voice that all kids—even babies—get hurt sometimes. Third, make a change that will prevent the problem—and guilt—next time. (Propping your baby in a U-shaped nursing pillow may prevent future falls.) Finally, put the incident where it belongs: in the past. 4. Lose the audience. When your baby is hard to calm, find a place to work it out in private. Not only will this get your child out of a stimulating environment, but it will also protect you from unsolicited advice. If relatives try to follow you, go into the bathroom and shut the door. (Even the nosiest know-it-alls won’t follow you there!) Then turn on the fan—the white noise may do the trick. 5. Be decisive. Tune into your gut feelings to make decisions quickly and confidently. Start small (regular or lavender baby wash?) and work up. Quickly “try on” your decision before finalizing. “See how you feel—relieved or rubbed the wrong way—and listen to yourself,” says Debra Condren, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist in New York. Once you choose, move on without second-guessing. “Keep reminding yourself: I’m top-dog expert here.” 6. Take notes. You may know the answers to all the pediatrician’s questions, from your baby’s age to her highest temperature, before you walked into his office, but suddenly you can barely remember your child’s name. Research shows that people under acute stress have difficulty retaining information in their short-term memories. So bring notes to every appointment with your pediatrician and jot down the doctor’s instructions while you’re there. 7. Don’t hide your emotions. It’s understandable to lose your calm after your baby has been on a crying jag for three hours or your toddler is throwing a tantrum. The surprise is, sometimes it’s good for your baby to see you upset, as long as it’s justified and doesn’t happen too often. As she grows, your child will look to you to learn how to handle emotions. When she sees you sad, scared, mad or frustrated, say what you’re thinking: “I was feeling sad, but I feel better now” or “That was scary. I’m glad we’re safe.” “Your child is going to run that ‘mommy tape’ in her head the rest of her life whenever she’s feeling emotional,” says Kathryn Oden, Ph.D., a neuropsychologist at Carson-Tahoe Hospital in Carson City, Nev. “She’s going to learn how to self-soothe from you.” Just dial back the drama if your baby starts to cry or look frightened. 8. Beware of competitive friends. Not even your mother-in-law can make you doubt yourself as much as that friend whose child does everything first. My friend’s daughter was walking when mine was still not crawling. The competitive friend is always doling out advice on how to get your baby to catch up and pointing out what you’re doing wrong. The best response? “We’re happy with Sam’s development.” 9. Take time for you. “Taking a mom’s day, hour or 15 minutes is required for good parenting,” psychologist Thomas says. “Parents need balance in their lives. If you don’t have time to replenish your soul and rejuvenate yourself, you’re not going to be at your best for your child. You’re going to be impatient, frustrated and ill-tempered.” Recharge your batteries with a quick bubble bath, listen to soothing music, do an exercise video. You’ll be a good role model for your child, showing her that taking care of yourself is a priority. 10. Be happy together. Spend as much undistracted time as you can with your baby, allowing yourself to be in the moment. Seeing your little one conquer a new milestone will remind you of the good job you’re doing. 0000000000000…

Our top 10 charm bracelet picks

If you like charm bracelets, you will love our top list. We got all the most popular models here! Ever since charm bracelets showed up, they’ve been incredibly popular. However, while fashion trends do change every season, these bracelets somehow always stay fashionable and interesting. Some accessories truly are timeless. So, if you’re looking for one that will be perfect for you, check out our top list. *10. Vintage fairytale charms bracelet This silver-plated model is the perfect choice for every Alice in Wonderland fan. A little bit retro, a little bit elegant, this is something that will look good on any wrist and in any occasion. With pendants such as a book, a mirror, a teapot, a pen, and a throne, this bracelet will go with any outfit. *9. Crystal pink glow bracelet This silver-colored bracelet is filled with soft pink details. Furthermore, each pendant tells its own subtly pink story, making the bracelet a perfect addition to evening wear, or a casual picnic dress. You can change the order of charms the way you see fit, or even add new ones. *8. Summer owl bracelet If you want a warm, golden bracelet that will shout “summer vibes”, this is the best choice there is. An owl, a bunch of hearts, and some zirconia make this charm bracelet the perfect summer statement piece. *7. Stainless steel heart initial charm bracelet Simple, yet elegant, this bracelet looks great on every wrist. Just choose the first letter of your name, and it will be engraved in the heart charm that dangles from the bracelet. Interesting, personalized, and durable at the same time, this can also be an ideal gift. *6. Starter bracelet If you want to build your charm bracelet from scratch and pick each charm based on a significant memory, you will need a bracelet to start with. That’s what this snake chain stainless steel bracelet is for. Furthermore, once you get this, you can start creating your own unique charm bracelet. *5. Blank bracelet A good way to start your own charm bracelet. These stainless steel blank bracelets look great, and you can put absolutely any charm you want on them. After all, who knows, maybe that’s a start of your career in jewelry design. *4. Motivational charm bracelet If you ever need a reminder that everything you set your mind to is possible, look no further. This gorgeous bracelet comes with a charm that says “She believed she could so she did.” Positive, trendy, and sweet, this is a must-have accessory. *3. Multilayer love charm bracelet When you’re in love, and you want the world to know it, don’t just shout it off the rooftops! Wear clothing and jewelry that say it. Wear jewelry like this love charm bracelet that is full of symbols of love. *2. Positive vibes charm bracelet Hearts, smileys, and flowers – finally, what is better to show off your great mood? This gold-tone charm bracelet is creative, interesting, and fashionable. Furthermore, it’s a piece that has to be in your jewelry box. *1. Fantasy charm bracelet If you always wanted unicorns, stars, and four-leaf clovers, then this is your lucky day. This bracelet comes with all those charms, as well as many other interesting ones. After all, those details will show off your fantastic side. 0000000000000…